Introducing Imago Filii
A community for discipleship and pilgrimage, centered in the Greater Philly region
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Romans 8:29 NIV
Imago Filii is Latin for “Image of the Son.”
This newsletter is for those who read, write, or think about discipleship to Jesus Christ. It is especially for those who practice discipleship and desire conversations and community along the journey. I start discipleship conversations like this: “Christian discipleship is learning from and imitating Jesus in order to become like him.”
1. Renewing the story
The story a person believes about salvation controls what that person believes about discipleship. Some are very concerned about “getting to heaven when I die,” a phrase that has little to do with the Bible’s own story. Discipleship in that story would look very different than for someone whose main concern is knowing Jesus and participating in his ways. The Bible’s story of salvation almost never discusses going to heaven but rather “the renewal of all things,” “the new heavens and new earth,” “on earth as in heaven,” and of course… resurrection life.
A frequent topic in this newsletter will be the story of the Bible, especially surrounding Jesus and his church, and how the story informs rhythms for discipleship.
2. Reviewing holy habits
A community with a story employs appropriate habits to live into that story. The habits of a Christian life imitate aspects of Jesus’ life and faith. Obvious to many are prayer and almsgiving (gifts to the needy). But Jesus also encouraged pilgrimage, feasting, fasting, simplicity, contemplation, self-examination, discernment, rest-days, and a number of other holy habits that move a disciple from merely believing in Jesus, to believing Jesus’ beliefs.
In other words, the habits encourage positive change so that a person begins to see the world more and more through Jesus’ beliefs. Frequently, this newsletter will deal with background beliefs that we hold and the habits of Jesus that challenge us and change our rhythms of life.
3. Encouraging growth, or “re-construction”
Finally, this newsletter is unhurriedly growth focused. That is, becoming conformed to the image of the Son is a lifelong pursuit, more akin to growing a majestic oak tree than building a wood-framed house. One can be rushed; the other comes only with patience, through diverse seasons, and by an enduring hope.
These posts will be written in that spirit of hope, with belief in the massive community project that Jesus called “my church,” which he loves, and outside of which no one is in full agreement with Jesus about what is good for the world or for a life. When many are disillusioned and de-constructing faith, often rightly, this newsletter will resolutely set its face toward a re-formation, or conforming to the image of the Son.
After all, the imago filii is the destiny God has established for all who are to be reborn as sisters and brothers of the King, Jesus.
Subscribe so posts will come straight to your inbox. You can expect posts most Mondays and Thursdays, with occasional bonus content, including a special section on pilgrimages (a passion project of mine).
Peace to you on the Way,
One more thought: it would be for to explore what it means "to believe."
Eager to participate with you in this, Josh.